
Try It Out -- Chapter 11, Lesson 5: Creating Isometric Sketches

Numeric Response
Dena is making models of letters of the alphabet using centimetre cubes. Each letter must fit inside a rectangle that is five squares tall and three squares wide.


How many cubes are in the letter ‘F’?




How many cubes are in the letter ‘T’?




How many cubes would be in the letter ‘I’?
Remember, each letter must fit inside a rectangle that is five squares tall and three squares wide.



How many cubes would be in the letter ‘P’?



How many cubes would be in the letter ‘O’?



How many cubes would be in the letter ‘L’?



How many cubes would be in the letter ‘H’?



How many cubes would be in the letter ‘U’?


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